January 27, 2008

If you're not a genius...

...you may not understand this blog. According to this website, I write to a genius audience.

Take that Shauna! HA! (It has to be a default on the website...but it is still something to brag about.)


erin said...

That's probably because you misspell so many words you'd have to be a genius to understand what you write! But I still love you!

Spammon said...

That thing has me nailed. Pick Your Poison is a college level, and dailyrebuttal is jr. high. Figures.

Rhonda Barnes said...

Oh my....I guess that exculds me son. Shauna you have met your match. love Mom

shauna said...

You got me beat. Mine's high school.

jen said...

mine is genious too, but I don't know if that is saying much, I just started it and I only have two posts so far.