March 23, 2008

"Name That Dead Thing" #2

Nobody guessed the first one right (maybe I will have to make the next one easier!) You all need to study up on your roadkill and visit Cabella's more often. Here are the standings on the game for all who voted:

Linds : 0/6

Spammon : 0/6

Denise : 0/6

Jen : 0/6

Shauna : 0/6

Ellen : 0/6

Erin : 1/6 - Erin is disqualified only for the fact that she has been here 500 times and knows all the animals here and the kids always demand a tour because there are certain ones they always want to pet!

This is sad!
Here is the answer (be prepared to slap yourself across the face)-


Here is Dead Thing #2 -


erin said...

It's a bear! I win again! I better get something good for all my right answers. I am thinking.....

....laundry. Definitely laundry!

Anonymous said...

I would of never guessed a beaver. I am going to guess a coyote for #2

Christie said...

I was going to guess Coyote too for the second one. or do I have to guess something else?

jason said...

All answers will be posted and YES you can guess what ever you want and if nobody has it right by Wednesday there will be a clue posted.

Spammon said...

WHOA! First off, I think I should get it right since I guessed Platypus. They are pretty much cousins!

I am going to guess a Hyena.

lindsey said...

that darn beaver.

I think #2 is a fox.

Probably isn't but that's my best guess.

Bfun1 said...

#2 is a Wolf? Ya, that is what it is!