Linds : 0/6
Spammon : 0/6
Denise : 0/6
Jen : 0/6
Shauna : 0/6
Ellen : 0/6
Erin : 1/6 - Erin is disqualified only for the fact that she has been here 500 times and knows all the animals here and the kids always demand a tour because there are certain ones they always want to pet!
This is sad!
Here is the answer (be prepared to slap yourself across the face)-
Here is Dead Thing #2 -
It's a bear! I win again! I better get something good for all my right answers. I am thinking.....
....laundry. Definitely laundry!
I would of never guessed a beaver. I am going to guess a coyote for #2
I was going to guess Coyote too for the second one. or do I have to guess something else?
All answers will be posted and YES you can guess what ever you want and if nobody has it right by Wednesday there will be a clue posted.
WHOA! First off, I think I should get it right since I guessed Platypus. They are pretty much cousins!
I am going to guess a Hyena.
that darn beaver.
I think #2 is a fox.
Probably isn't but that's my best guess.
#2 is a Wolf? Ya, that is what it is!
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