May 5, 2008

"Name That Dead Thing" Givaway!!

Aparently Mamaholstein gave her gift away to linds from the Daily Knack. So email me what you want as your prize Linds...

Here is the proof - Mamaholstein is crazy I guess!

Hey Jason,

Woo Hoo!!! I won!! My son is into all kinds of animals so that is how I got the pronghorn. My son rocks!!!

I was just playing for fun so as far as the prize goes I think you should let Linds have pick of my winnings. I think I remember her commenting that she'd like a pair of the earrings or something like that. I don't know her or any of you so it might be weird but that's how I am. Weird. :)

Thanks for the fun!! I love your blog and Erin's too!!


1 comment:

Ashley Nguyen said...

I have a feeling that it isn't going to be much fun looking at your blog anymore...Have you found any new moms now that you work elsewhere at PSCIPCo?